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Carrier Furnace

Carrier Furnaces & AC Units

For more than 100 years, Carrier has been leading the industry with innovative ideas, pursuing excellence in heating and cooling solutions for homeowners all over the world. Their products have changed lives, and their commitment to technological excellence has set the standard for the industry.

ductless heating and cooling

Ductless Heating & Cooling

Ductless air conditioners and ductless heat pumps, also known as ductless mini split systems, can fit in any space, even where traditional HVAC units don't. With their virtually endless configurations, ductless air conditioners and heat pumps deliver comfort with minimal visual impact. Ductless systems are different from traditional split systems because they come in all shapes and sizes, and don’t require ducts inside your walls. These solutions are flexible and work wherever you need them. 

Carrier air quality

Air Quality

Have you noticed issues with your breathing while inside the home? Are you experiencing more frequent allergy attacks? Do you need to reach for your inhaler more often just to breathe properly? Allow the team at Tri-Force Heating Cooling & Hot Water Services to help you get healthier air. Our indoor air quality specialists use special tools and equipment to remove VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds). You and your family can prevent your respiratory system issues by letting us work on your air conditioner, ductwork, and other HVAC equipment. Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRV) and UV Lamps are among our tools to kill viruses, bacteria, mold, and mildew. We can install them within the ductwork of your system swiftly for protection. Give us a call today to schedule your consultation and allow us to get started.

ecobee for Carrier Smart Thermostat Premium

Smart Home Technology

ecobee for Carrier Smart Thermostat Premium
Saving energy is just the beginning. Works seamlessly with third-party smart home platforms, includes a built-in air quality monitor and added features like voice control and an occupancy sensor.

Trustworthy HVAC Services for Over 30 Years